Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pre-Season Game vs. Seattle Seahawks - 8/13/16 3:30 PM

Well...it happens to us every year.  The season has snuck up on us again!  We have our first Pre-Season home game this Saturday against the Seattle Seahawks at 3:30 PM.  You know the Fan Van Crew wouldn't miss being out there but just like the Chiefs....we will be in Pre-Season mode too.  Just like we do every year for the pre-season, this will be a BYOF (Bring Your Own Food) event.  We will be bringing a Keg of Miller Lite with us however the Pre-Season beer is NOT included in the annual dues so we will be passing the hat to collect beer money for those of you that will be drinking with us.  We will be bringing the grill with us and if you would like to bring something to toss on while we are drinking some beer and socializing feel free to do so.

What I'm looking for from you guys right now is a headcount so we can get an idea of how many will be riding the Fan Van out of the Northland.  Please update the Spreadsheet located here.  We are planning to leave from Neighbors Bar at 11:00 AM on Saturday to arrive close to 11:30.  aI have also added a column for you to validate the email address that you would like for us to use for any Fan Van Crew communications.  Finally, I will have the Square reader with me during the tailgate to collect your outstanding Fan Van Crew dues if you have not already paid.  As a reminder, they are $360 per member per year.  

If you have any questions....contact Brent Cable!

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