Friday, August 21, 2015

It sounds like the Chiefs are hell bent on changing the song played when a Touchdown is scored so if you have a few minutes you might go cast your vote for your favorite tune.  The orignal song titled "Rock and Roll" by Gary Glitter is being replaced because Gary is facing several changes of sexual deviation and they Chiefs don't want to pad his pockets every time they play this song.  You have a chance to listen to the songs and then cast your vote here.  

What an exciting time in the Fan Van Crew.....check out our shiny new Grill!!!!!

The new Fan Van Crew T-Shirts are in!  


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Did somebody say Chiefs Football?  

For those of you that will be joining us this Friday night, we will be gathering at 3:00 PM with a 3:30 PM departure.  The weather looks like it will be a perfect 84 degrees, the grill will be fired up cooking the brats, the beer will be cold and the party will be FANVANTASTIC!  We can't wait to see you all there!  

Remember to check out and LIKE our Fan Van Crew Facebook page here!

Kansas City Chiefs : News