Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Where Are Me Buccaneers......

Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Kansas City Chiefs

Sunday, November 20th 2016

Hey all....it's that time again.  Please fill out the spreadsheet so Orin, Bret and Zak can get a good headcount for food.  I need you guys to respond no later than Thursday at 5:00 PM....same story as always, if you don't get on the list don't expect to eat.  As usual, $10 for food and $10 for beer for any guests that plan to attend.  We accept cash, Venmo and Square for payments.    

The gates should open at 7:30 AM again this week so we will leave the Northland around 7:00 -7:10 AM and pick up anyone planning to meet us at Stadium Office Park as we drive by.

Marc and I will be getting together during the day on Friday to do some Fan Van work items.  I know that you all have jobs but if there is anyone around not working that day that can help out, reach out to me and I will let you know the particulars. 

We did an AWESOME job with the donations this last game....much appreciated to everyone that donated.  Several of you indicated to me that you had toys at home that you forgot and were going to get to me.  I will be making the final donation on Tuesday of next week so please bring it this week to add to the final donation.  

As always, contact me with any questions or concerns.  Looking forward to another fun week and a great tailgate with the Fan Van Crew!!!!!

The weather is starting to get cold so check out our sponsors at Northland Tint and Audio and let them hook you up with a remote start for your vehicle.  Call today to schedule your installation!   


Brent M. Cable

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Good Morning Crew,

First, sorry for not getting this out earlier in the week.  The weekly spreadsheet is here, please fill it out as quickly as you can so we can get an accurate count.  Because of the way the Chiefs are doing parking this year, it is imperative that we be at the gates when they open which is 4.5 hours before game time.  For this week they will open at 10:55 so we need to be in line between 10:30 and 10:45.  That means we should gather in the Northland at 10:00 AM, leaving as quick as possible after that.  If there is anyone that wants to follow the bus in to take advantage of Open parking, you should meet at the Stadium Office Park (7460 Stadium Drive, Kansas City MO).  If you are not there, we will not wait for you but we will proceed to the gates to park.  

If something changes, we will send out a blast email.  Contact Marc with any questions this week, I will not be at the game.  Hope you guys have a great time and GO CHIEFS!


Brent M. Cable

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

San Diego Chargers vs. Kansas City Chiefs - NFL Regular Season Week 1

It's gonna be a busy day at the game this week.  The weather looks like it will be cooperating with us this week and the Chiefs have quite a pre-game and half-time line up for us.  Be prepared to break down the tailgate on time and head into get a good view of the B2 Stealth Bomber flyover during the National Anthem.


Monday, September 5, 2016


The regular season is upon us just like that!  It was great to see everyone last Thursday night at the final Pre-Season game against the Packers.  I really enjoyed seeing everyone again and being able to chat and throw back a few frosty cold ones.  

This being a holiday week, we need to get our lists updated so we can start shopping to get ready to feed everyone.  Please fill out the spreadsheet here and let us know if you will be attending, if you will be riding the bus out of the Northland and if you have any guests that will be attending.  As a reminder, guests are ALWAYS welcome at the Fan Van Crew tailgate but we need as much advanced notice as we can get.  They can partake in the food/beer by making a $20 donation the day of the tailgate,sending me money using Venmo (@Brent-Cable) or by vising the Fan Van Crew store. Because of the way they are doing parking this year it is imperative that we keep to the schedule and get to the stadium as soon as we can.  The game starts at noon so we will be gathering at Neighbors @ 7:00 AM for a 7:15 departure.  If you are going to be late, contact me or Marc to let us know, otherwise there is a possibility you will be left behind....and nobody wants that!

Kevin Ewing and I will be cooking this week but we really need everyone to fill out the remaining weeks that have not already been claimed.  The Weekly Hospitality spreadsheet is located here.  Just a reminder of how the weekly hospitality works, when it is your week you are responsible for every aspect of the tailgate from apps to entree to desserts.  Whatever expenses you incur for the tailgate will not be reimbursed with the exception of any guests that are in attendance and provide $10 to eat (another reason for you to make sure the spreadsheet is up to date).  After that, you show up for every other tailgate and eat/drink...it's as easy as that!   

There are still several people that have not made their full dues payments and we really need you guys to get that done in order for us to keep operating.   If you ordered Powder Coated Cups and have not paid for those please do that as well.  Again, you can pay your dues and Cups from the Fan Van Crew Store.  We expect to have the T-Shirts by the game and will bring them on the bus with us to distribute to those of you that don't live near us.  

I know this was yet another long email, but it takes a lot to make the wheels on this bus go round and round!  Remember to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and check out our Web Site.  As always, if you have questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me and I'll do my best get the answer to whatever you need.   ~ Brent

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Great game today by our boys in Red. First team Offense and Defense both looked great! We are ready for the regular season to start, but first.....we get Aaaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers on Thursday night!

Kansas City Chiefs vs. Green Bay Packers 

Hey Crew!  I just wanted to remind everyone that we have the final Pre-Season game this Thursday, September 1st.  As a result, at 3:00 PM we will be gathering at Neighbors shooting for a 3:30 departure.  Just like every other Pre-Season game, this is a Bring Your Own Food (BYOF) and Bring Your Own Beer (BYOB) event however we will have Burgers for the grill and a keg again so if you wish to partake, bring cash payments :-)  Please let us know if you will be attending and if you would like for us to cover your food again this week by signing up on the Spreadsheet here.  

Any questions?  Feel free to reach out to Brent Cable (bcable@fanvancrew.com).  

Friday, August 26, 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pre-Season Game vs. Seattle Seahawks - 8/13/16 3:30 PM

Well...it happens to us every year.  The season has snuck up on us again!  We have our first Pre-Season home game this Saturday against the Seattle Seahawks at 3:30 PM.  You know the Fan Van Crew wouldn't miss being out there but just like the Chiefs....we will be in Pre-Season mode too.  Just like we do every year for the pre-season, this will be a BYOF (Bring Your Own Food) event.  We will be bringing a Keg of Miller Lite with us however the Pre-Season beer is NOT included in the annual dues so we will be passing the hat to collect beer money for those of you that will be drinking with us.  We will be bringing the grill with us and if you would like to bring something to toss on while we are drinking some beer and socializing feel free to do so.

What I'm looking for from you guys right now is a headcount so we can get an idea of how many will be riding the Fan Van out of the Northland.  Please update the Spreadsheet located here.  We are planning to leave from Neighbors Bar at 11:00 AM on Saturday to arrive close to 11:30.  aI have also added a column for you to validate the email address that you would like for us to use for any Fan Van Crew communications.  Finally, I will have the Square reader with me during the tailgate to collect your outstanding Fan Van Crew dues if you have not already paid.  As a reminder, they are $360 per member per year.  

If you have any questions....contact Brent Cable!

Kansas City Chiefs : News